Oklevueha Native American Church of SomaVeda Sacred Purification Lodge

January 24th. 2015 ONACS Sanctuary Host Sacred Purification Sweat Lodge and Sacred Pipe Ceremony

Oklevueha Native American Church of SomaVeda (ONACS), SomaVeda Collegeof Natural Medicine and The Thai Yoga Center built and held a Sacred Purification Sweat Lodge Ceremony (Amacheekee/ Inipi) and Sacrred Pipe Ceremony (Casuse/ Chanupa) at the new ONACS Sanctuary in Brooksville, Florida. ONACS church elders and Ministers Dr. Anthony B. James, Dr. Julie James and Daniel Kram supported by Independent Branch elders of ONAC Humiovi, Arianna Coe and ONACS Buckeye Farm,Tony Laux conducted the ceremony. The ceremony was attended by 16 members of ONACS currently enrolled in the SCNM: Thai Yoga Center, 200 Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapist Practitioner Certificate program and Three members currently in the 1028 Hr. Teacher/ MinisterCertification Program. For information on ONACS Seminary Degree Programs visit SomaVeda.Org For Information on ONACS/SCNM: Thai Yoga Center Ayurveda/ Thai Yoga/ Yoga Therapy/ Indigenous and Traditional Medicine Certification programs visit ThaiYogaCenter.Com

Oklevueha NACS Sweat_5190.JPG

Anthony B. James