NAIC Indigenous Heritage

Native American Indigenous Church

Our Indigenous Heritage:
Indigenous spirituality has been practiced in North and South America before recorded history.
The fundamental premise of all indigenous spirituality is to honor and respect Grandmother Earth (Matriarchal), Grandfather Sky (Patriarchal), and their descendants.

The practicing of American Native indigenous spirituality is understood off and on Federally Recognized Indian Reservations as the Native American Church, which has been granted exclusive federal laws to recognize the spiritual ceremonies and to protect and maintain access to their sacred ceremonial grounds. American Native Spirituality has historically utilized Grandmother Earth’s minerals and plants to commune with the spirit world to assist their healing and personal empowering ceremonies.

Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC) is a United States federally recognized indigenous American Native Earth-Based Healing and Empowerment Church. NAIC  welcomes you with open arms regardless of race, gender, age, social position, religious background, or financial status. All are welcome into our sacred healing and empowering international NAIC indigenous spiritual community.

Join the NAIC Mission

As a result of your interest in our cause, please consider our invitation to join a national movement in having all Federal and State Government Agencies exercise the principles of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights and in more detail in the American Indian Religious Freedom Act and Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 regarding the Native American Church (Native American Church).

The original (NAC) Native American Church has established the precedent that all plants, trees, herbs, mushrooms, and cacti produced by mother earth are considered Sacred, and their use by the Native American Church is to be protected by the United States Judicial System. It has also been established that the United States Law enforcement agencies do not have any legal authority to question the racial makeup of a Native American Church cardholder. NAIC is NOT directly affiliated with the original NAC. Please understand that Congress and States are prohibited from preferring or giving special privileges or recognition of any specific religion or religious practice. Any credit given to one church, including the Native American Church tribal organization, must be recognized for ALL similar religious entities.

Please Note: Although we believe in the rights of Native Americans/ Native American Indigenous Church to use sacraments that are contentious, which at this time federally regulated, such as Peyote, these sacraments are still in controversy and subject to erratic policy, interpretation, and enforcement. Therefore until the matter is settled and all of our members can comply with both traditional rules and modern interpretations of the relevant statute, we, the Native American Indigenous Church, an Independent and free church organization (integrated auxiliary Priory of Saving Grace), and our subsidiaries, independent affiliates, do not possess, use or distribute any federally regulated substances of any kind whosoever unless located in a state where the right has been clearly and legally established. Nor do we use controlled substances in our NAIC ceremony, practice, or medicine. There are 10’s thousands of sacred herbs and substances which are not controversial nor subject to any governmental authority that we can safely and wisely use.

The previous understandings are duly supported by the United States 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, State of Utah Supreme Court, to the United States Supreme Court. These unanimous court rulings clearly and concisely state that any United States government agencies are to protect the Native American Church’s civil liberties.

The laws of the land also clearly state the consequences for any government agency or one or more of its officials to conspire or, under the color of law, attempt to deny or violate the Native American Church of its civil liberties is a serious criminal offense.